Thursday, March 31, 2011


MARCH 31ST, 2011 today it is, as I'm residing in Orlando, Florida and It's the day that I just lost it, the mucus plug, ewwwwwwwww! It is such a miserable day here on mother nature's fury in giving my new residing town last 2 days of 70 miles an hour winds and all day and night tornado warnings and watches which did show signs of small ones in certain parts of Florida. Yesterday, I actually seen half the white picket fence in front of my room get taken across the pool ripped off and the big huge pool bulbs tossed across the lawns. This norning they said the weather was gonna be worse then yesterday's showdown but i beg to differ from what i wtnessed yesterday but, I was just more freaked out this morning when my husband had to leave for work in this and me being alone and pregnant by myself, I really miss my fam back home in instances like these especially being pregnant, but living here now and with all these states having issues in bad dangerous weather I'll learn to manage.
Today though I new something else was odd I happened to just wanna stay in bed as I felt really sluggish and more weaker with all this added weight and back pains which has me walking in a hunchback position with my stomach sagging low at it's lowest peak as some like to have their pants sagging low making their statements at certain points in the day recently, my baby girl was starting on callling her shots lol. My husband got in today at 3 o'clock and he was little surprised I guess to see me still in bed that late especially when sometimes I go and meet him coming home most of the time but I just couldn't get up and out. After about twenty minutes after he came in I said to my husband, "I don't feel so great today, just maybe if I take a shower I'll feel better", so I got up out the bed. It was about close to four o'clock and as I was about to turn the shower on I felt this weird two globs oozy out of me, lol I know I'm being graphic and believe me for the first time pregnant chicks it is gross to the eyes, it even grossed my hubby out, lol. Thinking of it to a description it was exactly how some told me that it would be which some said it was like someone blew glob of boogers out their nose, that indeed by then, we new I lost the telltale sign the little bugger is on her way soon to leak the next step of the blessing of breaking the water, haha. Anyway Imma keep some things short and simple in my journal diaries in mommy files in trial to errors but stay posted on the next writing, it may not be everyday cause I'll be very busy, but I'm be glad to share more stories as new mommying my way.

Raising Baby,
CAROL-J Style!

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